
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Saturday 30 January 2010

Update On Advertisement 2 (Jodie)

A couple of weeks ago I emailed The National Blood Service to see if they would be willing to send us some of their psoters to put in our Mise en Scene. But I never recived a definate reply, just an email back saying they have fowarded my request to the right department. However yesterday I recieved these in the post;

I recived 6 induvidual A4 posters. Here are a few of them close up;

The posters will work well in our mise en scene as the sentance "Give Blood" really stands out and it's the first part the audience will notice. This is effective as it is suggesting that the protagonist should give the blood on his hands. Also the posters mention saving peoples live's where as our opening suggests that the protagonist has just killed soemone therefore it is contrapuntual the story line.

However a problem with using any of the posters is their size becasue they are quite small to notice unless we put them near something which is constantly in shot such as the sink in the public toilet scene.

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