
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Final Location - Woods

We looked at several possiblilities of wood location for example: Woodlands walk in Tonbridge, Pontoise Park in Sevenoaks and discused the pros and cons of them. We ruled out the places near a main road, as there would be a lot of people and it may have been distressing especially if they had young children with them, as we found out! Secondly the woods needed to have a clearing small enough to take photos of a body, but yet still look like woods were a murder could take place.

After settling on our final location for our photos, we decided to go with our "dead" girl (Kathy) to our location " Pontoise Park" which is located on Pontoise Close in Sevenoaks. We decided this would be the best place because it was deserted therefore would be quiet and the wooded area had a clearing which we used for our CSI scene.
We set up our scene as if the girl had fallen over the tree branch that was on the floor, and took photos from different angles, whilst also doing close ups of the parts of the body that had been damaged. The area was muddy an there were leaves everywhere, therefore we had to make the body look dirty, as if she had been in a stuggle and is if she had been there for hours, so mud and leaves were thrown apon the body along with mud under her nails and on her hands.

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