
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Codes and Conventions (Kathy)

These are the main codes and conventions, all of which are used some point during a thriller unless the director/ playwright decides to break them. We are using all of these, exept flash backs.

•Suprises & Twists
•Plays With Viewers Mind
•Quick Cuts & Change Of Camera Angles
•Music To Add Tension
•Use Of Lighting To Create Shadows
•From Killers Point Of View
•Flash Backs
•Pass Of Time Sequences
•Make Audience Think

AS well as this, the victim is always female and the protagonist a dominant male, with some connection to the victim, which again we are doing, so all in all we are sticking to the codes and conventions.

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