
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Saturday, 30 January 2010

CSI photos (Kathy)

I emailed Sgt Mark Ginsberg for some information about CSI photos as the information on the information on the web is very limiting and we want our photos to look as realistic as possible. The information he gave me is therefore more reliable than the internet, and we can use this in our final pictures. The information he provided was:

The photos are 10" by 6", along the 10" side it is plain and blank, however the 6" side has a 1 cm white edge, with a small kent police logo in one corner and a number for the photo in the other (photo reference number)

The photos are bound together with a white glossy cover which has the exhibit label, and the kent police logo again.

He also said he would let us see some actual photos if we wanted, and that he would send me some labels which we could then stick on our photos, to make them realistic and so we didnt have to copy the style that they use.

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