
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Thursday 28 January 2010

Dialogue (Kathy)

Dialogue is only a small part of acting as most of the emotions are shown through body language (about 65%) and speech (7%). So although speech is thought to be an important role in films or theatre, you get a lot more information by watching what and how the actor moves/ acts.

We feel dialogue is very important, as it can either make the opening unprofessional, or it can be very effective. We started to think of all the dialogue we needed and tried to limit this, so we only used the dialogue that was necessary.

I have started to look at police calls (see emergency call post) and started to put this duologue together, and by deciding what the employee has said it was therefore easier to decide what the dog walker says. The most important part of the dialogue, is the vocal emotion as we need to find a serious, calm and slightly older sounding voice for the police employee, and a more panicky and distressed voice for the dog walker, which means the voice of the character has to show all the emotions through speech which is hard to accomplish.

First of all: police- "this is the police, how may we help you?"

caller- "hi, erm, ive found a body... its a girl" (hysterical)

police- "can you tell me where you are?"

caller- "in the woods, near tonbridge station, its in a clearing"

police- "can you stay with the body?"

caller- "yeah i guess, please hurry though"

police- "we will be there in 10 minutes"

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