
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Schedule (Thea) updated by kathy

Monday 1st Febuary 2010 07:30 pm
Practise filming of the toilet scene/section at Tonbridge station public toilets, and filming of the tunnel. Checking the lighting.

Friday 5th Febuary 2010 09:30 am
Filming of the toilet scene at tonbridge station, as we cant film the outside during the day because we are setting the scene during the night.

Saturday 6th Febuary 2010 11:00 am
Meeting at jodies house to prepare Kathy for the photographs of the victim.
Take photographs at woods down the road from Jodie's house.
Go to Kate's house to review photographs and manipulate them with paintshop pro.
Print them off.

Saturday 6th Febuary 2010 07:30 pm
Film Jodies Dad inspecting the photographs printed earlier that day.

Sunday 7th February 20:00pm
Filming of the protagonist running along the platform, the running through the tunnel and the match-on action shot of the protagonist going into the toilet.

Monday 8th Febuary 2010 -Thursday 25th Febuary 2010
Editing will take place along with any final touches or refilming necessary.

Wednesday 3rd March 2010 19:00pm
Filming at Tonbridge station- tunnel scene

Friday 5th March 18:00pm
Toilet scene at Sevenoaks toilets

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