Taken From Fight ClubThis shows the main female character from the night club. In the film she is percieved and explictily named as the one who destroyed eveyrthing. This may explain why she is wearing and styled as the stereotype of a 'femme fatal'. She has dark hair and emphasised dark eyes with contrasting pale skin and red lips. Although, this is a very effective and eye catching look, i feel it would not be appropriate to style/base our female character on her as we want the audience to feel pity for the female that was killed and not to blame her for looking overtly sexual or that it was in any way her fault.
Taken From GothikaThis displays the lead character from Gothika who has been placed in a mental asylum for women. her clothes and hair reflect this as she has very plain coloured clothes without a design or pattern to them. Her hair looks ruly and unstyled (as it would be in such a place) and it appears she does not put effort into her appearance.
This look would be better then the one from fight club as it is more simplistic and less overtly sexual. Her hair is dark with blends into her surroundings and everything about her look and outfit makes her very ordinary and she would not necessarily stand out. However, i feel that her look is too messy and untamed for our project as we want someone to look as if it would be believeable for someone to be obsessed with them mainly for their looks.
Taken From the othersthis is a still taken from the others and Nicole Kidman is the main character, one of whom the audience is at times lead to feel sorry for. her pale skin and very blonde hair contrast dramatically with the setting she is in and with her outfit. it almost seems that her outfit and setting were not made for her and that she is out of place being there. Her hair appears to be have a natural yet enhanced with styling look to it and it does not appear to high maintenance. her make up is very simple and it looks as though she is not wearing too much which makes her look naturally attractive. This look could be very effective within our clip as it looks groomed yet not too unnatural. It seems simple yet elegant and the outfit contrasting with her skin and hair makes her stand out more.
Taken From ThirteenThis still focus's mainly on her eyes, which have been lined with dark eyeliner. Yet again the darkness of her eye make up contrast with her pale skin and her blonde hair. Her hair and make up look as though she has 'let it slip' and look rather messy as the hair is pulled back and the make up is smudged. This is representative of her life at this point in the film. This look is effective for displaying turmoil and lack of control. This could be useful for our character as it would be a very stressful event to be murdered! She will probably have been crying at some point so any eye make up she may have been wearing would have been smudged. So this look could be very effective for authenticity.
From What Lies BeneathHer hair is a darker blonde compared to the other blondes I have looked at. her hair has been scrapped back behind her ears which could represent some form of frustration she is feeling at this point. Her hair is past shoulder length, which most of the other females I have looked at are (apart from fight club). this may be to reflect their feminitity and display how they are different to men. Her eyes look tired as though she has had little sleep and her whole appearance shows there is some type of stress going on currently. She is older than the other characters I have looked at and this is reflected by her tweed blazer style jacket she is wearing which is normally associated with age. Our character will be younger,looking probably around 18-20ish so would be wearing more fashionable clothes.
Will discuss with group which look is most effective and how we could achieve this is our clip (perhaps use of wigs or contact lenses or paintshop pro to manipulate the colours to show a further contrast?)