
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Friday, 29 January 2010

A beautiful mind analysis (Thea)

Whilst looking at the magazines avaliable for media students and whilst reading Total Film I came across an advertisement for the film 'A Beautiful Mind ' (released 2002).
The plot was described as; "A true story drama focusing on '50s mathematical boy wonder John Nash (played by russel Crowe). At the age of 21 he cracked the groundbreaking game theory of economics, but by the age of 30 had been diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia. He then faced a decades-long striggle to regain his reuptation, cumulating in him finally winning the Noble peace prize for mathematics in 1994."

I thought this would be an excellent film to try and analyse further as the protagonist within our production has some sort of paranoia/psychological difficulty. Looking at clip 2:12-2:22 Was unable to embed this as it has been disabled by request!
I know that this is a music video for a song with the film as the mise en scene. However, looking at clip 2:12-2:22, It is clear that he is struggling further with his schizophrenia as he starts to hear voices in his head. This is displayed excellently as it is unclear of what is being said and the panning affect around his head creatings a 'spinning' effect for the audience which reflects how this protagonist feels his life is perhaps 'spinning' out of control. This technique would be excellent when filming the POV shot or the part where the voices are for our protagonist as these angles would reflect the chaos that he is feeling.

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