
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Poster Creation (Jodie)

After conducting my research on current Macbeth posters already created on the interent, I used their similarites and main attributes to create my own poster using Microsoft Word. Here is the final result;

I started by finding a picture of a blood splatter for the background becasue I thought it was very effective in one the posters I looked at for my research. Then I looked at a shakespearean style font to represent the tradition side of the play. I then looked up local performing art schools so that i could pick one to say who was performing the play. I also needed this so I can put a logo on the poster to make it look authentic and official.

The main issue i had was making the font readable against the busy background but I managed this by changing the contrast of the background image. I also made sure I used black font as this was often used in the posters i researched and it also symbolises the theme of death within the play.

As this picture is only a scan of the poster, the detailing is not clear. However when finished, I printed out the poster in A4 which means it will look quite small in an establisihng or long shot. Therefore should be used in intimate close up shots like in the toilets.

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