
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Thursday 11 February 2010

Creating Advertisement (Jodie)

Although we have managed to obtain various posters from different organisations, we would still like an amateur Macbeth performance poster to emphasise our focus on the play. Therefore I have decided to attempt to create my own on microsoft Word or Publisher. I feel by creating my making my own it will add to the amateur feel; for example schools make posters for their productions. However before I start creating my own I need to look at examples of promotion for Macbeth already made to get a better idea of what they should look like to make it seem authentic.

Poster 1
The first part I notice about this poster is the position the figure is in. The hands against the head could represent the stress and anger that the character is going through. The background colours of the poster are mainly black and red to symbolise the tragic death and murder which the story of the play tells. The frayed edges of the colours also suggest that Macbeth is not a clean cut story with an happy ending and that is portrays a dark and tragic story.

Poster 2
The red colouring in the background of the poster looks as if it has been splattered across the page like a murder has just been committed. Also the large centred image of the crown focuses on the royalty and position of power the protagonist is in. Finally The details of the performance are in a black font to stand out against it's background.

Poster 3
This poster cleverly uses black and white photography to contrast against the colour of the blood on the subject's hands. By letting the blood remain in colour it emphesises its importance and how it represents a main feature within the play. Also by using a photograph instead of a 2d image, there is more focus on the actors in the play to highlight their acting abilties. The gives more of a live feel to the performance.

Poster 4
i felt this had a strong amateur homemade feel as it seems as if images have been layered upon each other but with no similar detailing. Although this is what I plan to do, I will make it seem more blended together by chosing apropriate images and colours which suit each other. However i found the font effective in this poster as it looks quite sinister because of the jagged shape and bright red colour.

Poster 5
The use of the soviet symbol and colours it would suggets this was a modern day Macbeth play tackling a modern day world issue. This subverts the audiences expectations of a traditional shakespearean era play. The use of a quote in the background is effective as the shade of the makes it quite subtle in the background but it still is visible enough for the audience to see and relate back to the traditional play. The white colour of the writing and it's centered placement puts more emphesis on the time and place of where the performance takes place, which is the main piece of information the viewer is looking for.

From my overall research I can conclude that the similarities between the posters are what I need to include within my own. These are that the font needs to contrast againsts its background so that it can read and that what it is saying needs to be a focus point. The poster also needs to incldue shades of red and black as well as include the theme of blood. The writing on hte psoter needs to mention the date nad time of the performance as well as venue it is being held. Any images used should be of either actors or objects which sybolise death such as weapons or skulls. By including these major features in my own poster, it will hopefully look authentic enough for the audience to believe that there was an actual performacne of Macbeth at the time this film was set/filmed.

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