
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Sunday, 7 February 2010

OTH make up (kathy)

This is a picture of the character Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill. I found it interesting to see how the professionals did the fake bruising around the eye. As you can see, they have used a lot of purple and blacks to blend together to make a realistic bruise. They have it darker near the eye and have it slowly fade towards the cheek bone. Towards the checkbone there is less makeup used, and looks as if it is faded into the skin.

They have also put less make up on her face to make her look washed out, and so the bruises stand out more. This make up really stood out to me as being realistic because her left eye is slightly puffy and shut making her look more tired and vunerable.

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