
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Friday, 12 February 2010

Name Analysis (Thea)

As we are progressing with our project, we still have the issue of choosing a name.
We have not been too keen to choose a name until we have finished filming so we can see how the film feels and what name will be appropriate. However, it is still important that we research into names of other psychological thrillers and do some audience research in relation to our target audience. (This piece of work is in a word document format that will look much prettier on the presentation!)

Audience Research for Name;
“What makes a film title good?” “Intriguing titles” (Female, 17) “A couple of words that sum up what the story is about e.g fast and furious” (Male, 52)
“Do you like abstract (where it appears irrelevant) or related titles?” “Related ones” (Male, 20) “It depends on the film, such as the ‘the hills have eyes’ makes you question it but can tell it’ll probably be a horror” (Female, 19)
“Do you think long or short names for films are better?” “Short Names” (Female, 28) “Short are better, because sometimes the long ones are annoying to say” (Male, 17)
“What is your favourite movie title and why?” “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind because it is relevant to the film yet also poetic and unique” (Female, 46) “Fast and Furious because its short but sweet” (Male, 21)

What do we want the title to do/be;
-Be remember able
-Entice the audience to watch the film
-Be simple yet effective
-Be original and creative
-Short, but direct
-Allude to some aspects of the film but not give too much away
-Not hint who killed the girl that is in the opening, as we want this to be revealed at the very end of the production

Names of Successful Psychological thrillers;
-Rear Window -The Illusionist
-Silence of Lambs -Blue Velvet
-Taxi Driver -Memento
-Se7en -Thirteen
-The Game -Hard Candy
-Phone Booth -Straw Dogs
-Flightplan -American Psycho

Looking at the names of Psychological Thrillers, it would appear that all the titles are short (usually one or two words) and they hint towards aspects of the story (such as phone booth and Flightplan), yet they do not give too much information away. The use of two words has not changed much with time. Rear Window was released in 1954 and Phone Booth in 2002 yet two words are still used even though there is nearly a gap of 50 years. This is because two words/short titles are simple yet effective and there has been no need or reason for change.

On the presentation we will also have possible name ideas and why we do or don't want to use them.
If anybody has any good ideas for our film please post a comment!

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