
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Thursday 21 January 2010

Sound Effects (Jakob)

The opening of our film involves the sound effects of footsteps, heavy breathing and a heartbeat. After searching and listening on various websites, including, and, my final decision is to use footstep and heartbeat sound samples located at, despite the small charge. I believe that the heavy breathing will be more realistic and effective if recorded directly by our lead actor himself.

In addition, the opening features deep, pacey music that eventually crescendos, in a similar style to the music in the opening of Se7en, as well as frantic, overlapped, whispering voices to convey thoughts, guilt and panic. Both of these will be recorded at Blizzard Record studios on the 30th of January, after which i will post all sound samples.

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