
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Monday 18 January 2010

Without a trace analysis (Thea)

I (Thea) have began to look at how photographs used by police are displayed within TV drama and film. This is a clip from Without a Trace, Season 6.

At the very beginning of this clip, the police hand over a close up of face of one of the suspects. It is in full colour, as this could affect how they are identified (the colour of their eyes may be important for example). It is full sized on an A4 peice of paper, which I assume is to make it easier for the person trying to identify this person. The lighting is rather dim in the background although all their faces are quite easy to see.The photos seem to be on some form of shiny laminated paper/photo paper, probably to protect it from being ripped or something.
The still from the CCTV image 00:58 is in black and white which would indicate that stills taken from things filming in black and white cannot be changed to colour.
But when possible (at the beginning)colour is used. The still is only a third of the page and takes centre. Proabably because if they had streched that still it would have disturbed the photograph making it unclear.

Will continue to look at more uses of photographs within TV and film.

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