
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Still of police photograph used from 'The cell' (Thea)

Another thing that came from this research was that I managed to find a litterally one second clip of use of police/forensic photographs in the opening trailer from ' The cell'.
It shows a close up of what I think is a young girl/young womans eyes where there has been some form of violence or damage to them. This is very useful to our film project as we are planning to use police photographs in our clip to display the victims dead body but we wanted to use close ups to make the audience uncertain of what the pictures were of and what had happened. I would say that this photograph has been edited to make the eyes look more blue and the skin more pale to contrast with the colour of her eyes to make it more effective and eye catching.
We could achieve this in our project through either contact lenses or the use of photoshop pro which would hopefully not be too difficult.

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