
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Monday, 1 February 2010

Costume Research

Whilst watching various other psychological thriller films such as: "The Butterfly effect" and "The Machinist" the protagonist wears a shirt usually done up, and it is mostly dull plain colours such as: pale blue, grey, brown etc. Which all matched their characters emotions at the time of the shot, therefore we used slightly baggy jeans and a grey and black hoodie, to correspond with our teenager character and what they would actually wear in day to day life, for our protagonist to show he was slightly crazy.

For our girl, we decided on a yellow party style dress, as yellow signifies innocence. She had red shoes showing love and passion however the broken heel shows that this has been demolished by her attacker. We chose this outfit as it portrayed her as innocent and as yellow is a bright and happy colour, it contrasts the darkness of our protagonists costume.

Our two girls (who our protagonist walks into) wore coats/ jackets as it was cold, and they were at a station at night. We wanted them to dress normally, so they wore skirts and then their jacket/coat covered the costume so the audience do not really see what they are wearing, as this wasn't relevant for our opening. We wanted them to look as if they were going out, or had been out.

All our costumes are what we expect teenagers to be wearing as we wanted our actors to be comfortable, and because they were all playing characters of their age, we wanted each character to have a different look about them. And by giving them costumes in which they would normally wear, they would act more like themselves and it would look more natural.

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