
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Monday, 1 February 2010

Analysis of running scene from Forest Gump (Thea)

From about 0:42 - 6:03 you see various shots of Tom Hanks running (with some clips where he goes back to sitting at the bus stop and likewise).
Although, there are some excellent shots of Tom Hanks running, the focus appears to be more on reflecting the location that he is in as shown below;

These are used to reflect the distance that he has run as this is an important part of the story at this point in the film. Although we want the audience to know where our protagonist is running (along the platform), it is not an essential element of the opening. However, the first scene where our protagonist is running in the tunnel in the dark, it may be very effective if it is unclear of the protagonists location as this will entice the viewer to discover where he is and why.

This is a still of Tom Hanks' arms as he is running. It reflects that he is not running as a professional would do - Arms moving forcefully with precision and to a definite rhythm to help with speed and stamina. I feel it is important that we make it clear that the protagonist in our opening, is not a proffessional runner and that he is just running out of desperation and out of, what he sees as, necessity not due to choice or recreational pleasure. Hopefully, we will be able to portray that he is an amateur runner but the lack of control in his arms and perhaps movement of his head (which professional runners are always advised not to do). However, if his head is moving, it may make it even more difficult to film successful and effective POV shots but we will have to find some way to overcome this when we are filming.

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