
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Making Fake Blood (Jodie)

*please note colouring of photos is brighter than actual product*

To extend our research into fake blood I decided to develop Kathy's creation of hair gel and food colouring. This is because even though in large amounts in did look realistic, when it washed off hands it came off in clumps. This was a problem when we had shots of the protagonist washing the blood of as it did not seem authentic.

Therefore to resolve this problem I exp[erimented with making the mixture by using flour. This would absord the moisture from hte hair gel which was causing teh clumps when washing off. Then I added different coloured acrylic paints to obtain the right colour.

After I finally created a colour which I felt was most authentic, I tested what it looks like on paper to start with. Although it did have the right colour, it was too thick for human blood so I added a small amount of water.

I then tested to see what it looks like on actual hands. It did seem authentic when in large quantities, but when it was more spread out over the hand, the hair gel base made it seem quite sticky and gloopy in comparison to actual blood which is thinner. However when I tried adding more water to make it thiner, it would not mix with the hair gel properly or it became to watery and unrealsitic.

Finally as a group we deicded this blood creation is not as authentic looking as we wished and therefore we are going to develop the research furthur. At this moment in time we are currently looking into using real animal blood as it would be most realistic.

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