
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Breif update of filming work so far (Thea)

We filmed the first part of our opening, the running through the tunnel, the interuption/bumping into the girl and then running into the toilet with some POV shots of blood.

However, we have encounted some unexpected issues;

-The blood we have been using does not look realistic enough on the hands of the actor
-When our protagonist bumped into the girl (kristy) it looked as though there was some connection/possible romance between the two
-The POV shots when the camera was strapped to the head was to far to the right and was shaky
-We were told we could not film further at the station until we had permission (which we tried to obtain but failed)
-Our actor was over-acting which affected the opening as there was no speech so it all had to be portrayed with body language

We have overcome these issues;
-gettting hold of some lamb blood that will look very realistic and will have the right consistency and will wash off as normal human blood would
- we are using two female actors to bump into our protagonist as to show there is no possible connection or romance just a coinsidense
- film at a time which the station door will be open and very quickly so we will not be caught
- Changed actors to a Theatre studies A2 student that will have a lot of experience in acting and will be able to portray his emotion without being melodramatic.

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