
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Monday 4 January 2010


one night after school, we met up and we watched 'The Butterfly Effect' which is a psychological thriller about a man (Evan) who suffered traumas as a child, and frequently blacksout part of his life. He has theorpy and whilst reading parts of his journals he kept as a child, he goes back in time and can redo parts of his life, however by doing this it changes his present. He decides to change everything back to normal however even though it meant his girlfried (Kayleigh) from his childhood was malested by her father and his best friend (her brother) tormented her. It ends with everything back to "normal" eight years in the future with Evan passing Kayleigh on the street, and having to ignore her.

This film had many codes and conventions of a psycological thriller e.g. fast snappy camera angles, dark lighting, and something that makes the audience uncomfortable and never knowing what will happen next. We used this movie night to discuss these codes and conventions with one and other and to make sure we include the msot obvious in our own work

We then went to youtube to look at lots of different psychological thriller film openings which were on the list jakob created after researching. This was was helpful as we could clearly identify the codes and convetions once again as well as researcihng what type of movie production companies created these genre of film.

Some of the companies which came up when researching were New Line cinema, Lionsgate, Darkcastle, Film Engine, Universal, Newsline cinema and Fox. However no company came up twice therefore we will need to research each one to identify which would be idealy suited for our opening.

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