
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Monday 4 January 2010

Blood!!! (Kathy)

hey, this is my (Kathy) entry about blood.

Firstly i mixed together several types of food colouring mainly red and green which came out an amazing great colour. Then i tried to thicken it up using corn flour, coco powder and hair gel!
Some of these sound weird i know but it was for the colour effect, and i just used whatever was in the house at the time.

The best result was the hair gel with a mixture of red and green food colouring, which was pretty awesome with the thickness and colour, it also doesnt stain the skin as much as the corn flour. It also comes off easily which is good for after filming however we will need to re-apply it during filming so we get a constant flow with the water.
I also added soil to create more of a messy effect and to show that the character had been in some sort of woodland area.

The pros and cons: hair gel- the right consistancy, colour was good, it was easy to get on, doesnt stain the skin that much, however it comes off easily which is an issue when the character washes his hands.
The food colouring on its own was too runny, and it stains the hands a lot therefore doent come off easily. The only pro to this, was the colour.
The food colourng mixed with corn flour was gloopy, looked unrealistic, it stains, and the colour wasnt good.
Although in the pictures i didnt put soil with the hair gel sample, in the filming we would because the body is found in a forest area.

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