
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

The Final Location (Jodie)

After coming together as group and looking at our research on location, as a group we deicded we are going to use the station toilets as our filming location. These will either be the ones at sevenoaks station or the ones on platform 3 at Tonbridge station. Either of these have the all the facilities we are looking for in a location but the main issue is seeking permission to use them in the first place.

Thea spoke to Sevenoaks' station manager who told her to contact the general manager in orpington who over sees all the stations in the area. At this moment in time it seems that we will will need to write letters and make phone calld but if we approach this straight away i feel it can be achievable.

However if worse comes to worse and we are not given permission to use the any station public toilet, we will consider filming in them anyway but at quiet times of hte day so that we are not disturbed or being seen as in the way.

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