
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Analysed still from Silence of lambs (Thea)

This still is from Silence of the Lambs by Jonathan Demme, 1991.

This shot is particularly effective because of the eye contact which i find very intimidating. The fact it is a close up draws the viewer in and they feel very involved with this character and are questioning his story although they may not know anything about him. The fact that the bars infront of his face and the wall behind him is out of focus draws further attention to him. Also, the white shirt (innocence, purity) contrasts greatly with the black bars (imprisonment, death).

In regards to our project;

- having a close up of our protagonist with the background out of focus could be an excellent way to draw the viewers in and focus their attention on the protagonist

- The direct stare from this character is very intimidating and although we want the audience to be slightly scared of our main character (as he is mentally unstable) we also want the audience to geel sympathy for him so perhaps this direct and intimidating shot may not be as effect in our 2 minute clip.

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