
Jakob (8) Jodie (27) Kathy (23) Thea (24)

Friday 26 February 2010

Effective use of editing and sound that also reflects mise en scene (Thea)

Having look into our two minute film opening, we feel that the first 30 seconds is going to have a much bigger impact that then next two minutes. Due to this, we are keen to make sure that our editing is really effective and adds to the suspense and tension of the opening.

I have looked at The silence of the lambs trailer as it is a infamous psychological thriller. Although, it is a trailer and not an opening, the editing techniques are still incredibly effective. the quick shots of the Protagonist at the very beginning as 'Orion' pictures are displayed along with the intense burst of sound that sounds like a door or a metal frame is being closed? (not too sure), is very effective and definitely puts the audience on edge. This may be very effective for use within our opening perhaps especially as our protagonist is looking at his hands with the blood to reflect his unstable frame of mind.

I have looked at the opening of the psychological thriller se7en. The editing is very quick between shots and the music is distorted as is the mise en scene as it is unclear to see what the person is doing. However, it is clear that they are mentally unstable and the fast editing is a excellent reflection of this. Perhaps, the quick cutting from one object or scene to another is being used to reflect how indecisive and confused the main person is. the music is also distorded and although it clearly has a beat it does not seem to make clear logical sense and other than the undertone of the bass there appears to be no real sense of rhythm or structure with the other sounds. This is also reflects the insanity and lack of structure that the person feels within thei brain.
This may be useful within our opening as we want to reflect how our protagonist is very confused as he is not sure whether or not he has killed the girl. Also, the tempo/beat of the music increases as the tension of the opening does. We have used this affect within the first 30 seconds (where the photographs are being shown), although we may want to consider this with perhaps having an undertone of music running throughout the opening as our protagonist is running through the station and the tempo could build up as his unhinged state becomes clearer as the blood becomes more and more on his hands and eventually onto his face.

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